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An Alternative Easter

Alternatives to Chocolate That Still Make Great Easter Treats for Everyone

Easter is, in many parts of the world and to many people, second only to Christmas in terms of importance on their religious holiday calendars. These days the same can be said for chocolate manufacturers, as the demand for chocolate Easter bunnies, chocolate eggs, chocolate chicks and those big Easter novelty Easter eggs that are both made from chocolate and stuffed with chocolate increases every year.  

All of this means that in the average Sydney family home on Easter Sunday does tend to be one filled fuelled with sugar, chocolate stains and kids bouncing off the walls, thanks to fact that they have consumed half of their Easter 'haul' already. It's not exactly very healthy and it's certainly not very oral health friendly.  
However, surely any Mum or Dad who fails to provide a basket full of choccie goodies on Easter Sunday is borderline cruel? Well, not necessarily, there are plenty of healthier treats that you can use to create Easter goodie baskets that are a little better for everyone - grown-ups included - while still being fun. Here are just a few ideas to get started with.  

Colouring Books

Yes, colouring books are rather old-fashioned, or they were. Suddenly 'adult' colouring is a 'thing' and tons of grown-ups are reliving their youth by picking up their crayons and coloured pencils again as a form of 'stress relief'. This does mean that if you add a colouring book and a box of crayons to everyone's baskets not only will you be providing some cheap amusement for the kiddies but also proving how hip you are to the grown-ups!  

Easter Egg Crayons

As we're on the subject, you could take this chance to add a little extra Easter pizzazz to those crayons we were talking about. Gather up all those little bits of broken crayon that are hiding all over the house and turn them into something rather neat, by pressing them into egg shaped baking moulds, melting them in the oven for 15-20 minutes and then allowing them to cool. Once popped out of the moulds you'll have bright and colourful 'Easter Crayons' that should make everyone 'ooh' and 'aah'.  

Discount Store Finds

For the kiddies a trip to the two dollar shop can prove to be a fruitful source of little goodies that will help fill the 'hole' left in their baskets by a lack of chocolate. From toy water guns to skipping ropes, pavement chalk, little stuffed bunnies and even simple Easter craft kits, there are usually lots of choices available if you look for them and you might even find something whimsical for the adults too.  

Non-Chocolate Edibles

In the end, Easter baskets wouldn't really be Easter baskets without at least some sweet edibles hidden away inside. But there are better alternatives to the standard choccie treats that will appeal to kids AND adults. Try filling plastic Easter eggs (the two dollar store should be a help here too) with small portions of jellybeans, trail mix or pop in a bunny shaped biscuit. You might even be able to get away with carrot sticks if your package them up nicely and remind the kids how much bunnies like them. And if you really must add some chocolate, try cutting up some fresh fruit and dipping it in melted dark chocolate, something that should appeal to everyone, no matter what their age.  

The Emergency Dentist Says:

Opting to give a healthier Easter basket this year isn't being a spoilsport, it simply makes more sense for your loved ones' health. And don't forget, however many sugary snacks everyone does consume at Easter a good brushing and flossing afterwards can minimise the strain the holiday puts on the health of their teeth!

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