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Dental Hypersensitivity

Why Are My Teeth so Sensitive?

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Dental Hypersensitivity is a common problem for a lot of people aged between 20 and 50. Have you ever had a hot or cold drink and as soon as you started drinking, felt a sharp pain on your tooth/teeth? Does it also happen when you eat or drink something sweet or acidic? You are experiencing this kind of pain because you have hypersensitive teeth. Here are the top two reasons why you may have dental hypersensitivity.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

  • Gum Recession

The most highest leading cause of tooth sensitivity is gum recession and there are many reasons why you can have receding gums. It can be a result of aggressive tooth brushing, using a hard toothbrush, gum disease, a very acidic diet and even ageing.

Each tooth has a layer of enamel and the root of each tooth has a soft layer called cementum. When the cementum wears off because of gum recession, the underlying dentin layer (the layer that surrounds the nerve) is exposed. The dentin contains thousands of channels that run from the surface of the tooth to the central nerve and when these channels are stimulated by certain foods or drinks, it travels to the nerves inside the tooth causing a sharp sensation.

  • Enamel Wear

Enamel, which is the layer on the surface of your teeth, is actually the hardest substance in the human body. However, it can still wear away over time, slowly exposing the underlying dentin layer which leads to dental hypersensitivity. There are a few causes of enamel wear such as: bruxism (teeth grinding), aggressive and improper brushing, using abrasive tooth pastes, or having too much acidic foods and drinks. A chipped or cracked tooth can also expose the dentin, which is why it is extremely important to visit the dentist when this happens

How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?

You can do a number of things at home to prevent painful tooth sensitivity.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene – brushing correctly

  • Use a soft bristle tooth brush

  • Using a non abrasive tooth paste or one that reduces sensitivity

  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks

More importantly, it is best to have regular dental visits because your dentist can detect early signs of enamel wear. Your dentist can also teach you proper brushing techniques and let you know which tooth pastes to use, as well as provide other prevention methods

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

Dental hypersensitivity should not be ignored no matter how short or low the pain is. Ignoring your sensitive teeth can lead to other oral health problems so make sure to have regular dental check ups with your dentist.

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