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Exercise For a Healthy Body And Soul

Enjoy better mental and physical wellbeing through these habits

Every system and organ in your body is linked. This can be a bad thing sometimes, because it means that when you have a problem in one part of your body it will affect other parts as well. But it also means that you can improve your general health just by making a few simple changes in your life. One of the most effective strategies for improving your mental and physical health is through physical exercise. So, if you want to build this habit, here’s the simple but not always easy way to do it.

Improving your Mental Health Through Exercise

Exercise may be as effective as antidepressants for improving your mood and mental health issues. Studies show that the endorphins that are released when you exercise can give you what’s known as a ‘natural high’. In fact, some people describe it as euphoric, and this can be a very beneficial feeling if you’re struggling with mental health issues or are stressed. This release of endorphins can also decrease your perception of pain.

Exercise can also protect you against mental health issues in the future. A recent study conducted by the Black Dog Institute and UNSW found that around 12 percent of depression cases could have been prevented with just an hour of exercise a week. So, if you’re looking to improve your mental health over the long-term, this is one of the best ways to do it.

Physical Benefits of Exercise

There is a lot of evidence for the many and varied physical benefits of exercise. Some of the most important for your health are:

  • Weight loss.

  • Stronger bones.

  • A reduced risk of cancer.

  • It strengthens your heart.

  • Improved sleep.

  • It strengthens your blood vessels, which can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.

  • It gives you an energy boost.

 There are lots of different types of exercise that you can try. So, don’t let lack of time, scheduling difficulties, or physical limitations stop you from exercising. Find a form of exercise that works for you such as walking, swimming, yoga, running, or weight training, and start making it a habit.

 Creating the Exercise Habit

Creating the habit of exercise is probably the most essential part of improving your health. If exercise isn’t a habit, chances are that you will forget about it or just drop it when you get ‘too busy’. There’s a lot of research about the best ways to form new habits, and a lot of myths as well. Here are some tips on creating your new exercise habit.

Expect it to take time

There’s a myth going around that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. In fact, studies show that it can take up to 66 days, and this can increase or decrease depending on the difficulty of the habit and your own personality. So, give yourself time.

Expect and plan for mistakes

There will be days that you skip your exercise habit and that’s fine if you don’t let it continue for days or weeks. Just acknowledge the slip and go right back to your habit again and you shouldn’t notice any long-term adverse effects.

Start small

If you decide to run for an hour when you usually only run when chased, then you’re bound to fail. And that will leave you feeling demotivated and bad about yourself. Instead, start with a small amount of exercise that’s easy to complete. That will build your confidence and get you started.

Set a time

If you decide to ‘exercise when you can’, you won’t do it, simple as that. Set up a time and put it in your phone. It’s even better if you book and pay for a class so you simply can’t ignore the reminder.

Choose something you enjoy

If you hate running, don’t decide to run every day. If your new habit makes you miserable you won’t stick to it, so don’t even try. Instead, try to choose a sport or form of exercise that you enjoy and that makes you feel good.

Get support

Telling other people about your goal or booking in at a gym is incredibly helpful in making you stick to your new habit. Peer pressure is one of the most powerful forces in the world, so use it to help you make the changes you’re looking for.

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