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How Much Does a Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost?

Wisdom Tooth Extractions Costs Vary: Here's Why


At The Emergency Dentist Sydney we are pretty used to dealing with wisdom teeth and the trouble they can cause. That is not always the case for the patients experiencing those problems, folks who are usually in pain, frustrated and worried, often about the costs of the treatment they might need as much as they are about the pain they're in.

Unfortunately, as helpful as we like to try and be at all times, one of the questions we really can't answer right away is what the treatment for a patient's unique wisdom tooth issues might cost, as every case is different. We can however explain why those costs might vary. Here's a look at some of the factors involved:

The Type of Procedure You Need
There is no one-size-fits-all procedure for wisdom tooth extraction. For some people it can be a pretty straightforward affair, one not too different from a standard extraction. For others though, patients who might be dealing with a severe infection or an odd angled impaction, the treatment involved is usually more complex. And yes, complex costs more.

The Type of Surgeon You Need
In dentistry, just like in standard medicine, different dental surgeons do different things. When it comes to extracting a wisdom tooth, complications can arise that call for a specialist surgeon, usually because wisdom teeth, as a part of their often very pesky nature, will sometimes locate themselves in a very sensitive area of the jawline, one where important nerves could be damaged if someone did not know exactly what they were doing. Obviously if a specialist is called in the pricing will increase, but in reality be worth every penny as a botched job on a wisdom tooth is something no-one should ever have to deal with.

The 'Little' Things
Before getting to the actual extraction of a wisdom tooth, there's usually work to be done. Dentists need x-rays - or sometimes even CT scans - so that they know exactly what is going on where. They also need to talk anaesthesia with a patient. Some of the simpler extractions can be performed very successfully under a local anaesthetic but for the more complex stuff even the bravest, toughest of patients are going to need to be knocked out, aka treated under general anaesthesia, once again hiking the final costs.

The #EmergencyDentist Says:


Fear of costs should never be a reason to leave a painful or infected wisdom tooth untreated. At The Emergency Dentist Sydney we keep our rates as reasonable as possible and won't charge for 'bells and whistles' you don't need. Another reason to get treated as soon as a wisdom tooth problem rears its ugly head? The whole think is likely to be easier - and cheaper - than it would be if you suffer on for weeks until you can't take any more!

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