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Top 5 Common Brushing Mistakes

Is your brushing technique working in your favour?

Brushing our teeth is something we all do twice a day and our process becomes second nature. Over time, you may have developed some bad habits that could be damaging your teeth and gums over time. Here’s some tips to get you on the right track to ensure your efforts aren’t being wasted.

1. Wrong Direction

Many people believe they should be going up and down or side to side. Whilst this might feel easier you should actually be brushing in small circles, particularly where the tooth meets the gums.

2. Toothbrush Too Large

Size does matter! And in this case, smaller is better. This ensures you’re not overloading with too much toothpaste and can get into those hard to reach places.

3. Brushing Too Hard

You might think that the harder to press the cleaner your teeth will be. Pressing too hard when brushing can wear down the enamel on the teeth as well as damage and push back the gums, exposing the sensitive root area.

4. Too Soon After Eating

Brushing your teeth right after a meal can feel great, especially if the food has left a strong taste in your mouth. Doing this, however, could be damaging. Waiting around 30 minutes could help save teeth enamel because your mouth has had enough time to produce saliva to neutralise.

5. The Wrong Toothpaste

Before you’re tempted to reach for the extreme whitening toothpaste, beware that this can also cause extreme tooth sensitivity making it difficult to enjoy your favourite foods and drinks.

The team at The Emergency Dentist Sydney is more than happy for you to reach out and ask us to clear up any concerns about your brushing technique. You may even save yourself an emergency appointment down the track. Happy brushing!


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