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What To Do When You Have Gingivitis

Prevent the Next Stages of Gum Disease

We only get one set of permanent teeth, so it is important to take good care of them. Having good oral health means you are taking care of your overall health. Unfortunately, this is not the case for some people. Without daily brushing and flossing, the bacteria that forms on our teeth builds up and causes an inflammation of the gums. This is called gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. Here is a brief guide on what you need to know about gingivitis, so you don’t progress to the next stages that can cause infected bone and tooth loss.

There Are Three Stages of Gum Disease:

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1.     Gingivitis: this is the earliest stage of gum disease where the plaque build-up causes an inflammation of the gums. Your gums will be red and swollen and may bleed while brushing and flossing. Good news is that gingivitis can be reversed at this stage as it is still early and the bone that supports your teeth are not yet affected.

2.     Periodontitis: This stage of gum disease is irreversible. The supporting bone that holds your teeth are affected to the point where your gums may begin to form a pocket below the gum line, trapping food and plaque.

3.     Advanced Periodontitis: In this final stage of gum disease, the fibers and bone supporting your teeth are destroyed, which can cause your teeth to shift or loosen.


Gingivitis Symptoms

As mentioned above, your gums will become red and inflamed and will probably bleed during brushing. The area will be sore or tender and may actually recede (pull away from the teeth). It can also cause gaps to form between the teeth and the gums, which can collect food as well as plaque. As well as these less obvious problems, people with gingivitis often suffer from bad breath, even if the condition isn’t very advanced.

Treating Gingivitis

Gingivitis can be treated easily and simply only if it’s caught early. Your dentist will perform a deep clean to remove the hardened plaque. If your gingivitis is left untreated, it will worsen and progress to the next stage, Periodontitis. If the problem gets to this stage you will probably lose some of your teeth and cause permanent damage to your gums, teeth and other tissues in the mouth. That’s why it’s so essential that you make regular visits to your dentist to treat any problems as soon as they appear.

How to Avoid Gingivitis

To avoid gingivitis you need to see your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning. Your dentist will remove any plaque buildup and let you know of any problems before they become serious. Other than that, you have to make sure you maintain good oral hygiene, which means twice daily brushing, flossing, eating well, and avoiding substances that can cause damage such as smoking. If you make these habits a priority, you will enjoy good oral health throughout your life.

Emergency Dentist Sydney Says:

If it’s been a while since your last dental check-up and you are experiencing red and swollen gums, visit a dentist as soon as possible. It may be gingivitis and you won’t want it to progress to the next stage.

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